Computer Services

If you have questions, please call or email.  We are happy to share what we know and to help you solve your technology problems, if we can.

Wireless Internet

The library offers free wireless Internet throughout the building. There is no password to access the wireless Internet.

Printers, Scanners, and more!

The library has two printer/copier/scanners.  Prints are available for $.15 per page for black and white, and $.25 per page for color. Users may pay for their prints at the end of their session.

Scanning to save as a file is free of charge, but must be completed by a librarian. Please ask the librarian at the circulation desk to help you with your scan.

Computer Use Policy

To fulfill its mission of providing free and equal access to information, knowledge, independent learning, and the joy of reading to our diverse community, the Paige Memorial Library provides access to computers and the Internet.

Computers are available only during open library hours. Telephone reservations will not be accepted. The library may generally impose limits, such as time limits, on the use of Library equipment. The Library reserves the right to terminate computer sessions at any time. Patrons are not allowed to eat or drink while using the computers.

Internet resources are to be used in a responsible manner consistent with educational, informational, and recreational purposes. Patrons of all ages are expected to use the computers in a responsible manner, respecting the rights of others.

Computer privileges may be suspended or canceled, at the discretion of the Director or Assistant for the following:

  • Degrading or disrupting equipment or system performance
  • Vandalizing the data of others
  • Gaining unlawful access, including “hacking” and other unlawful activities
  • Invading the privacy of others
  • Violating software license agreements and copyright laws
  • Violating other federal, state or local laws
  • Deliberately displaying obscene images as outlined in M.G.L. c.272 s. 31.1

*Massachusetts General Laws c. 272, Section 31 1. “Obscene” matter is obscene if taken as a whole it appeals to the prurient interest of the average person applying the contemporary standards where the offense was committed; 2. depicts or describes sexual conduct in a patently offensive way; and 3. lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value. 


Computer users ten (10) years and younger must be accompanied by an adult. The child may not be left alone at the computers or at the library. Parents are asked to supervise their children’s Internet sessions.

Internet Access and Safety Policies

The principal role of the Paige Memorial Library is to ensure the availability of information and materials for independent, self-directed learning. We believe that the Internet is an excellent resource for this, provided that it is used consciously, safely, and ethically.

Acceptable Use

Access to and use of the Internet is a privilege and should be treated as such by the users of the system. The library’s electronic information resources are to be used in a responsible manner consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which they are provided and we urge our patrons to use the Internet with caution.

The following harmful, illegal, and/or criminal activities are considered prohibited use of the library’s computers:

  • Attempting to gain unauthorized access to the resources of the library’s computers
  • Wasting resources (staff time, supplies, equipment capacity) through such actions
  • Damaging the integrity of computer-based library resources
  • Compromising the privacy of other users
  • Deliberately displaying obscene images or materials that would be considered harmful to minors
  • Use by minors without the written consent of a parent or legal guardian
  • Committing fraud
  • Violating copyright law or software licenses
  • Developing computer programs that infiltrate a computer or computer system and/or damage or alter the software components of another computer or computer system


In order to protect our patrons and equipment against harmful viruses, downloading information onto the library’s computer’s hard drives is prohibited.

Bring a USB drive (flash drive, thumb drive,..) or a CD upon which to save your work.

We are not responsible for work saved to the library computers.  We shut down each night and that erases the memory from the unit.