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You can select books, DVDs, audiobooks, & magazines to place on Hold
Click on one of the new titles, or type in your search item
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Your User Name is your CWMars card number
Your Password is the last 4 digits of your phone number (unless you changed it)
Make sure you choose Paige Memorial Library for your píck up location
On the search bar make your choices to find your item

To begin, we suggest you choose:

Keyword    All Formats    All CWMars Libraries

Do explore the options when you can!

Submit hold request
 Place an item on hold by clicking Place Hold

CWMars Overdrive
Gives you access to read books magazines on your computer

Libby is a free app you can download to your phone or tablet

that allows you to download books on your device

Paige Memorial Library is a member of

which allows you to borrow books and other items from many CWMars libraries in Central and Western Massachusetts.
Need help?  Contact us at 413.477.6704 or and we’ll help you figure it out.  Happy Lifelong Learning!

Download Libby today!