CWMars transition and card request

Paige Memorial Library is a member of CWMars

Those of you who already have a CWMars card from another library will use that card. Paige will be automatically registered as your home library if you have a Hardwck zip code and will get credit for your check-outs.

Those who need a CWMars card will get a new number and a new card the first time you check books out through CWMars at the Paige. You will fill out the form pictured below with current information.

Want to learn more about what you can expect from CWMars?


Log into Paige Memorial Library at
Click on Catalog
Click Search Our Online Catalog
Here you can view our newest titles

You can select books, DVDs, audiobooks, & magazines to place on Hold

Click on one of the new titles, or type in your search item
Log into your account
Your User Name is your CWMars card number
Your Password is the last 4 digits of your phone number (unless you changed it)

Make sure you choose Paige Memorial Library for your píck up location
On the search bar make your choices to find your item
To begin, we suggest you choose:
Keyword    All Formats    All CWMars Libraries
Do explore the options when you can!
Submit hold request
Place an item on hold by clicking Place Hold
CWMars Overdrive gives you access to books magazines to read on your computer
Libby is a free app you can download to your phone or tablet that allows you to download books on your device